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Take Advantage Of Magento 2 Order SMS Notification Extension


Speed is one of the strongest and essential assets for any online business in today’s competitive time. On the one hand, where there are millions of online businesses available, you have to be on your toes to serve your targeted audience with nothing but the best.

Many experts confirm that a quicker response to the customer’s need enhances the customer’s engagement and satisfaction level. Thus, it is important to make a wise decision of choosing a reliable communication method.

Emails, phone calls, etc., are still options but have their own share of disadvantages as well. Phone calls may get unanswered, and the emails can get spammed, thus lacking a way of consistent communication. However, on the other hand, SMS is one trusted communication way to ensure consistency.

Thus, SMS is one powerful mode for instant and in-time communication support amidst all the available communication means. SMS communication and notification are essential communication tools, especially in the online business where real-time customer engagement is needed.

So, what possibly can be the solution of maintaining constant and consistent communication with your customers? Well, the answer is pretty simple – Magento 2 order SMS notification extension.

What is the Magento 2 order SMS notification extension?

The extension is one of the trusted and reliable solutions ensuring businesses maintain consistent and regular communication with their customers. Magento 2 order SMS notification extension allows businesses to share quick, short, responsive, and effective notifications to all their loyal customers worldwide.

Your customers can get all the necessary information related to their order and all the other business activities. One of the best advantages of using the Magento 2 SMS notification extension is its quick response. You hardly have to wait or undergo any hassles to reach out to your customers for any special and important information.

For a better understanding of the extension’s working and reliability, let us look at the various amazing features that this Magento 2 SMS extension offers to the eCommerce business.

The offered features by the Magento 2 order SMS notification extension:

Effective and quick communication is the need of the hour for any business. Be it a start-up business or a known popular brand name, you should maintain constant, quick, and responsive communication with your audience to keep them loyal and engaged.

Thus, to benefit the business with strong, effective, and uninterrupted communication, many businesses rely on SMS services rather than choosing emails. The Magento 2 order SMS notification services help deliver instant notifications to the customers about the business. You can keep your customers updated with all the recent activities happening in your online eCommerce business store.

The offered features by the Magento 2 order SMS notification extension

The extension does not limit its benefits to the customers only, but even the business owners are benefitted from the extension use and services. The business owners can use the extension to customize the SMS notification with the required text according to the product delivery process. This, thus, helps the businesses to develop a personal connection bond with their audience customers.

Moreover, this order SMS notification extension is one of the simplest and trusted ways to overcome the common hassles of using email services for the business. This Magento 2 order SMS notification extension offers many amazing features to ensure a smooth flow of business activities.

So, would you be interested in exploring the various offered features by this extension? If yes, then you are at the right place. We are here to highlight some of the important and profitable features available in the extension to benefit your business.

1. Synchronized management of order messages:

To start, the best benefit that any business can enjoy using the SMS notification extension is to manage instant and frequent order messages. No matter when and what the need is, the business owners can act on the order notifications. Moreover, the extension also allows mobile access and management of these order messages.

This helps the business owners to keep track of all the order messages received for timely updating. The proper synchronization and management of the received order messages is yet another way of retaining the customer’s interest and engagement with the business.

Also, the businesses will get instant notification of the placed order, which helps them to act on it instantly. This, thereby, reduces the waiting time for the customers, which results in higher customer satisfaction.

2. Resend OTP:

Security is one of the major concerns for any online transaction. Even if the transactional amount is minimal, both the customer and the business owner ensure taking all the necessary precautions to maintain secured surroundings.

Thus, amidst all the efforts to maintain dedicated security, OTP (one-time passwords) plays a crucial role. These passwords are generated one time, thereby makes every transaction unique and authentic. It also helps in reducing the risks of any online frauds or failures.

Since most users in today’s time are mobile users, it simply makes sense to share the required OTP on mobile devices. This enables instant sharing of the generated OTP to complete the transaction without waiting unnecessarily to access the emails. Moreover, business owners can resend the OTP to their mobile users when needed with the surety of getting into an authentic and secured transaction.

3. Sharing updates with the customers using SMS notification:

No business can assure its success if it fails to maintain effective communication with its users, customers, and audience. One essential part of consistent and continuous communication with the customers is passing them the updates around.

It can be said that the success of any business largely depends on how quickly it passes the required essential information to its customers. Thus, it becomes important for businesses to maintain their continuous efforts to share the latest SMS updates.

Since it can be tough for any business to share the update details to every individual customer and user separately, circulating the update via SMS is surely an easy way out. Business owners rely on passing any update of their product or services to their customers with the help of SMS notifications.

4. Customized SMS text:

Gone are the days to compromise and use the same monotonous SMS texts for all your customers and audience. With the Magento 2 order SMS notification extension, you can easily customize the SMS text according to your customers and audience base.

Additionally, the businesses can make the needful changes in the SMS text according to the basic idea of sharing the SMS. For example, an SMS text can be modified when shared with a promotional attraction, and again the SMS text can be modified if it contains any updated information and details.

You don’t have to deal with the hassles of undergoing any complicated coding or changes as everything can be done just with few clicks. All you need to do is to enable the settings to customize the SMS text in the admin panel, and you are all sorted to change your SMS text according to the situation and the need of the hour.

5. Instant verification of customer’s mobile number:

Have you undergone the struggle of verifying the authentic communication mobile numbers of the users? Honestly, the struggle and pain are challenging and tiring. The difficulty level increases when you have millions of customers and users across your multiple online business stores.

How about relying on an easy and hassle-free way to verify the authentic mobile numbers of the customers? Wouldn’t it be great to verify the authentic number of the customers for communication if there can be an easy way of verifying the authentic number of the customers? The Magento 2 SMS notification extension by Pixlogix offers you the expected ease and convenience. Thanks to this extension, businesses can instantly and quickly verify the authentic communication numbers of all their audience and users. Moreover, the extension can be trusted and used across multiple business stores and can be counted as a blessing for business owners.

You simply have to share an OTP to the registered mobile number of the users to be sure if the mentioned one is authentic. If implemented successfully, this reduces one of the biggest hassles of active and regular communication with the users.

6. Enable/disable mobile number verification:

As mentioned, the Magento 2 SMS notification extension helps to instantly verify the customer’s contact number, and that too without any difficulties or hassles. But, do you know that you can either enable or disable this setting?

The extension allows the business owners to make the necessary required settings to either enable or disable the instant mobile number verification step. You just have to make a few little adjustments in the admin control panel to enable this service or disabling it as and when needed.

Though there is a provision to enable this service, most businesses rely on this facility to keep their online transaction secure and safe against any possible cyber-attack or threat.

7. Easy integrating the various SMS service API:

API or very popularly known as Application Programming Interface is a trusted way for establishing the needful connection with the core messaging platform of the SMS. To ensure uninterrupted service to the customers, the extension offered by Pixlogix is integrated with several SMS services API.

This allows the business owners to choose the SMS services they want during the SMS configuration step. As there are so many SMS service provider companies, having multiple options to choose from brings many unsaid benefits for the customers and the business.

Thanks to the variety of SMS services available in our Magento 2 SMS extension, businesses can choose anything they need and save their time and efforts. This also reduces the complications for the businesses to get into customization of the messages every single time.

Even if your desired SMS service provider is not on the available list, we can still help you by making the provider available on the panel. This easy and convenient integration helps to provide business owners with immense support and benefits.

8. SMS API secure and authentication:

With the integration of every leading and popular SMS service provider in our list, we make sure to keep the integration authentic and secured from our end. No matter which SMS service provider you choose, every action and transaction with that is maintained for its authenticity.

This ensures the customers and the business owners of having reduced risks of online frauds and cheating. Before adding the SMS API, they are tested against all the standard security norms to ensure a successful integration without hassles and risks. Moreover, every business can find a suitable SMS API helping them to reduce the efforts and pain or customizing every single SMS as per the need.

9. Numeric digit support for OTP strings:

With our Magento 2 order SMS notification extension, we allow the business owners to have full control of the OTP strings. The businesses can set all the required parameters for the OTP strings that can help them.

Generally, the extension is designed to support only the numeric digits. Other than this, the business owners can adjust the following changes in the OTP strings:

  • OTP format
  • OTP length
  • OTP message
  • Expiration time for the OTP code
  • Defined time to resend the OTP code to the customers
  • Enabling the OTP verification process

All the businesses will have full control over all these functionalities to uplift their business execution process.

10. Customizable open-source code:

The Magento 2 order SMS notification extension is completely customizable, allowing businesses and customers to keep track of various business activities for smooth online transactions.

Moreover, the integration of the various SMS services is 100% open-source. This opens the scope for many improvements in the available factors. You can improve affordability, flexibility, scalability, sustainability, consistency, reliability, safety, security, and speed.

These improvements and customizations can help businesses ensure a successful path for their business growth and satisfy their customers’ requirements. Besides, the customers can also expect to get the expected endless support and assistance from the eCommerce business for their needs.

11. Customized SMS text for various notifications and order statuses:

The Magento 2 extension gives full opportunity to businesses to customize their SMS texts for different notifications and order statuses. You can easily choose any customized text and use it for different customers without any hassles and complications.

Moreover, the extension is also reliable to customize the SMS text for the various orders received. Based on the status of the orders, you can modify their status very conveniently. This helps the businesses connect with their customers individually, thus enhancing every user’s satisfaction level.

The only concerning thing is that the group admin can handle all the changes and modifications in the SMS text. By enabling various settings in the admin control panel, you can customize the messages as and when needed.

12. Easy selection of SMS gateway:

To keep things smooth in the frontline, it is important to get balanced support from the backend. The same is true in the case of SMS notification extensions. To ensure that online businesses can modify the SMS text and make the necessary settings in the frontend, uninterrupted support from the backend is a must.

Using the Pixlogix extension, you can rely on the backend support expected. The admins can very easily choose a suitable and desired SMS gateway from the backend amidst the various available options.

There aren’t any complicated follow-ups or steps, but just a few clicks to easily select the desired SMS gateway for the need.

The Magento 2 order SMS notification extension is one of the most reliable ways to instantly notify customers about various business activities. The customers can easily be notified of the order placed, shipment details, invoices, cancellations, payments, etc., for maintaining transparent communication.

This Pixlogix’s SMS extension is a complete package to keep the customers engaged and updated with the help of SMS. Do give it a try!

Frequently Asked Questions:

  1. How can you install Magento 2 order SMS notification extension?

The extension pack of Magento 2 order SMS notification contains the necessary module files, user’s guide, and installation guide, depending upon the type of extension purchased. The extension package also contains the required import files, which can be used as an example for the users. The installation process of the Magento 2 SMS extension is quite easy and just requires to have access to FTP/SSH followed by relying on the following steps:

  • Take a backup of all your web dictionary and store the database
  • Enable the admin cache before you proceed with the installation of the extension by following the path – System > Tool > Cache Management
  • Work on extracting the zip package of the extension along with the copy folder (app)
  • Now, upload the app folder at your store root folder using FTP
  • Once you have completed uploading the app folder, navigate to the root folder of your store in the SSH console of the server:
  • Cd path_to_the_store_root_folder (cd public_html)
  • After this, run the following command:
  • PHP bin/Magento setup:upgrade
  • PHP bin/Magento setup:static-content:deploy
  • To complete the process, flush the store cache entries. After this, log out to ensure that the installation is successfully done. You can then login into your system to use the Magento 2 order SMS notification extension features and benefits.
  1. Can this SMS extension be trusted for sending order-related SMS to the customers?

Yes, you can use this extension to send the required SMS relating to their orders without any problems. The process is extremely simple and doesn’t need any complications. You just need to configure the required settings, and you are all done using this extension to approach potential customers and update the order status in the store’s database.

  1. Can the SMS text be personalized for different needs?

Yes, this Magento 2 SMS notification extension allows businesses to customize their SMS text according to the need. Online businesses can conveniently customize the SMS templates by using dynamic variables and additional parameters.

Moreover, the extension allows businesses to customize and personalize the SMS text for various notifications and order statuses. This proves to be an essential step in dealing with different users differently for delivering uncompromised satisfaction.

  1. Do this Magento 2 extension support different types of SMS service providers?

Yes, the extension is compatible with different types of SMS service providers. This allows the business owners to choose any available service provider to avoid getting into the hassles of customizing every individual message or notification.

The various service provider ensures to save time and efforts of the business owners along with helping them to enhance the delivered customer experience. These are the following SMS service providers supported by the Magento 2 order SMS notification extension:

  • Twilio
  • Bulk SMS
  • Msg91

Other than these service providers, if you wish to add any other service provider for your need and requirement, then you can get in touch with our technical support team. We assure you of the best help possible with the compatible SMS service providers.

  1. Can you verify the contact number of the customers?

Authenticating the customers’ contact numbers is one of the most essential and unsaid needs for any business. Without the support of a verified contact number, it would be extremely difficult for businesses to communicate with their customers and keep them loyal to the brand.

Thus, understanding the importance of this need, Magento 2 order SMS notification extension allows easy and quick verification of the customer’s contact numbers. However, to enjoy this benefit, the admin has to enable this feature from the backend by adjusting the required settings, which is a simple process.

  1. What are the information details that a customer can expect from the extension?

The customers can expect to get every single detail related to their order. The extension can be trusted to pass the necessary information related to the following notifications:

  • Order placement
  • Order confirmation
  • Order shipment
  • Invoice details
  • Payment details and modes
  • Credit memo
  • Order Cancellation receipt

To update the customers with all these following details, the business owners can choose different customized messages and gateways. This helps the businesses to offer the desired services to their customers right on time and without any struggles, hassles, or complications.

Final Words about Magento 2 order SMS notification extension:

Give your customers all the recent updates and notifications about their order using this very amazing Magento 2 order SMS notification extension. There can be nothing better than maintaining constant and consistent communication with your customers through customized SMS text messages.

The higher response rate of the extension is also an advantage that has made the extension’s use so popular for almost all types of business. The easy accessibility of this extension over the traditional emails further accelerates the reliability and use of this Magento 2 SMS extension amongst businesses and customers.

Magento 2 Store

Other than using the traditional and existing message templates of the extension, it also allows online businesses to customize their messages according to the need and requirement. Thus, business owners can connect with all types of audience bases and customers individually.

To summarize, the various functionalities, benefits, and features offered by the extension can be noted down as:

  • Enabling or disabling the SMS notifications to the customers
  • Customizing the SMS text with dynamic parameters
  • Integrating with various SMS providers gateways for quick and smooth delivery
  • Verifying the customer’s mobile number using OTP

Overall, the extension provides an easy way out to businesses to assure effective and healthy communication with their customers. It is highly recommended not to miss the benefits of the extension and try it to enhance your business’s reach.

In case, you still have any doubts, thoughts, or need any other concerning details, then please do comment below. We will get back to you with the relevant and desired information that will help you overcome all your doubts and queries about the Magento 2 SMS extension.


Ashish Tiwari

Ashish is an SEO manager at Pixlogix Infotech Pvt. Ltd. With his dedication and learning mindset, he achieved many milestones in the short term. He has a good understanding of business, marketing, and promotion strategies. With 8+ years of experience, he can effectively handle online marketing campaigns for various industries.

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